
Without much ado, because these are from one and a half months ago and I have really no excuse to only put them up now. Looking back, they suggest a certain favouritism of blue and gold, and I won’t deny that I love that combination. But despite it being appropriately dark for a town above the Arctic Circle in February, my own memory of it is mainly white.

We arrived in Tromsø after what was described to us as a week-long snowstorm, when even the people there were beginning to wonder where to put all that snow. And so we set out to town – me with my new, beautiful 30mm lens that loves the darkness but not so much focusing, so many of my pictures turned more into playing with light and dark than sharp photos.

Tromsø is beautiful, with lots of old houses that look extra inviting in the cold and snow, and yes, we got plenty of snow even that evening.

At this point, it was still exciting.

At this point, it was still exciting.

Not sure if this is a shelving station for gods or a bus stop for them.

Not sure if this is a shelving station for gods or a bus stop for them.

There certainly were a decent amount of bars and pubs – but considering that virtually everything else closes at 4pm, it makes sense that people flock to places that pretend you’re going somewhere else.


This place was beautifully made up to look like a rail wagon, plastered with any kind of memorabilia possible

The next day, we used the theoretically 6 hours of sunlight to explore some more – turns out the weather changes as quickly as it does in Scotland, only that there’s usually less snowstorm there. We did get a few beautiful sights though, as well as waffles and hot chocolate, before taking the cable car down again and realizing that this was the end of any sunshine for the day, at maybe 1pm.

It’s a beautiful little place with incredibly friendly people, our airbnb hosts were absolutely wonderful, and dusk there is a magical thing. Through all the snow and clouds we always hoped to see the Aurora Borealis, but the skies stayed dark – or full of clouds most of the time. Only on the way to the airport we saw some lights – cue tumbling out of the car and wild pointing and jumping about. I didn’t even try to photograph it, it was quite weak and there’s better shots out there anyway, and sometimes it’s nice to have things just for yourself.

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